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Cut costs and access a wider talent pool

Why use us

Recruiting talent internationally can help businesses to grow in a number of ways. Firstly, it can increase workforce productivity by making it easier to access a pool of highly skilled workers. This can in turn lead to improvements in customer experience, as businesses are able to deliver their products and services more efficiently.

Additionally, this can also help to boost profitability as businesses save on costs such as office space and other overheads. As a result, recruiting internationally is a highly advantageous option for businesses that are serious about growth and scaling with less risk.

No permanent recruitment fees

At Remote Choice, we believe that finding the right candidate shouldn't come at a price. That's why we offer our clients a unique solution - we source the candidate and run payroll for you, with no permanent recruitment fees. This means that you can focus on what's important - running your business. Because we only charge when you hire someone, you can be confident that we'll only ever recommend the best possible candidates.


The infrastructure in South Africa is some of the best in the continent. It consists of a reliable and efficient network that is 99.9% digital. This, combined with fibre internet connections, makes for a country that is highly connected and reliable. The government has made considerable investments over the years into the country's power, data and telecommunications networks, making it a leader in the region. Whether you're looking for business efficiency or personal productivity, South Africa provides an infrastructure businesses can rely on.

Reduce costs

Hiring in South Africa is the best way to get a competitive edge as you'll find that you can hire for up to 50% less cost than traditional methods. This difference will grow with time as desk space and insurance savings add up leaving your competitors behind!

Cultural fit

South Africa has a lot to offer as a location for sourcing staff. One of its most appealing features is the natural empathy of its people. This empathy manifests in the way they communicate and interact with others, and it is something that is often missing when recruiting in other countries. It makes South Africans good listeners and creates an environment in which people feel comfortable communicating openly.

This open communication is essential for effective team collaboration, and it is one of the reasons why South Africa is such an attractive destination for businesses looking to hire. In addition to its communication strengths, South Africa's time zone is only one hour ahead of the UK, making it easy to manage your remote team as you would your own in-house workforce.

Remote Choice has helped numerous businesses to achieve success through recruiting offshore, and we are confident that we can do the same for you. Contact us today to find out more about our services.

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